DiscoverThe GaryVee Audio ExperienceWe Need to Fix These Parenting Trends | Dr. Aliza Pressman
We Need to Fix These Parenting Trends | Dr. Aliza Pressman

We Need to Fix These Parenting Trends | Dr. Aliza Pressman

Update: 2024-07-19


Gary Vaynerchuk and Dr. Lisa Pressman delve into the concept of "meet me in the middle," exploring its relevance in parenting, business, and life. They highlight the tendency for individuals to overcorrect when faced with an imbalance, leading to extremes rather than finding a balanced approach. Dr. Pressman, a developmental psychologist and author of "The Five Principles of Parenting," emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding the impact of our own insecurities on our parenting choices. They discuss the dangers of using children as proxies for our own self-esteem and the need to prioritize their well-being over our own need for validation. The conversation also touches on the overemphasis on achievement and the demonization of losing, arguing that both are essential parts of life and learning. Dr. Pressman emphasizes the importance of perspective-taking and recognizing that others may see the world differently, highlighting the audacious nature of assuming everyone should share our perspective. They also discuss the role of social media in amplifying these issues, particularly in the context of parenting. The episode concludes with a call for humility and a focus on finding the middle ground in all aspects of life, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, intention, and a balanced approach to parenting and personal growth.


The Importance of Finding the Middle Ground

This Chapter explores the concept of "meet me in the middle" and its relevance in various aspects of life, particularly parenting and business. It highlights the tendency for individuals to overcorrect when faced with an imbalance, leading to extremes rather than finding a balanced approach. The chapter emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding the impact of our own insecurities on our actions.

The Audacity of Perspective

This Chapter delves into the concept of audacity and its role in shaping our perspectives. It highlights the dangers of assuming everyone should see the world the same way and the importance of perspective-taking. The chapter explores the development of theory of mind in children and how it relates to our ability to understand that others may have different mental states.


Meet Me in the Middle

A phrase used to emphasize the importance of finding a balanced approach and avoiding extremes in various aspects of life, particularly parenting, business, and personal growth. It suggests that the most effective solutions and outcomes often lie in the middle ground, rather than at either extreme.


The tendency to react to an imbalance or perceived problem by going too far in the opposite direction, often leading to a new set of problems or extremes. This can be seen in parenting, business, and societal trends, where attempts to address one issue can inadvertently create new challenges.


A virtue characterized by a modest and realistic view of oneself and one's abilities. It involves recognizing one's limitations, acknowledging the perspectives of others, and being open to learning and growth. Humility is often contrasted with arrogance and self-importance.


The ability to understand and consider the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of others, even if they differ from our own. It involves stepping outside of our own egocentric view and recognizing the validity of other viewpoints. Perspective-taking is essential for empathy, communication, and building healthy relationships.


The process of raising and caring for children, encompassing all aspects of their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. It involves providing guidance, support, and love to help children grow into responsible and well-adjusted adults.

Social Media

A collection of online platforms and services that allow users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities. Social media has become a pervasive force in modern society, influencing communication, culture, and the way we interact with the world.


A bold and daring attitude or behavior, often characterized by a lack of humility and a willingness to take risks or challenge conventional norms. Audacity can be both positive and negative, depending on the context and the intentions behind it.


The ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity, challenges, and setbacks. It involves maintaining a positive outlook, developing coping mechanisms, and learning from experiences. Resilience is a key factor in personal growth and success.


The conscious and deliberate purpose or goal behind an action or behavior. Intention plays a crucial role in shaping our actions and their consequences. It is important to be mindful of our intentions and ensure they align with our values and desired outcomes.


Limits or guidelines that define acceptable behavior and interactions. Boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy relationships, protecting our well-being, and setting clear expectations. They can be physical, emotional, or mental, and they vary depending on the individual and the situation.


  • What is the main message of the "meet me in the middle" concept, and how does it apply to parenting?

    The "meet me in the middle" concept emphasizes finding a balanced approach and avoiding extremes. In parenting, this means avoiding overcorrection and recognizing that the best parenting style often lies somewhere between chaos and rigidity. It encourages parents to be self-aware, understand their own insecurities, and prioritize their children's well-being over their own need for validation.

  • How does the concept of audacity relate to our perspectives and interactions with others?

    Audacity can be a problem when it leads to assuming everyone should see the world the same way. It's important to recognize that others may have different perspectives due to their unique experiences and backgrounds. Perspective-taking is essential for empathy and building healthy relationships.

  • What are some of the common parenting trends that Dr. Pressman and Gary Vaynerchuk believe are harmful or misguided?

    They criticize the overemphasis on achievement, the demonization of losing, and the tendency to fix everything for children. They argue that these practices can hinder children's development of resilience and self-reliance.

  • How does the concept of intention play a role in parenting?

    Intention matters in parenting. If parents genuinely intend to love and support their children, their actions will reflect that, even if their methods aren't always perfect. Children can sense when their parents' actions are driven by self-interest or insecurity, which can negatively impact their relationship.

  • What are some of the challenges and complexities of parenting in today's world?

    Parenting in today's world is complex, influenced by social media, cultural pressures, and a constant influx of information. It's easy to get caught up in the minutiae of parenting and lose sight of the bigger picture. The episode highlights the need for parents to find a balance between being present and supportive while also allowing their children to develop their own autonomy and resilience.

  • What is Gary Vaynerchuk's perspective on the role of social media in parenting?

    Gary Vaynerchuk believes that social media can amplify the challenges of parenting, particularly in terms of the pressure to present a perfect image and the tendency to overshare about children's lives. He encourages parents to be mindful of their use of social media and to prioritize their children's privacy and well-being.

  • What is the importance of sleep in relation to parenting and personal well-being?

    Sleep is essential for both parents and children. Lack of sleep can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and emotional reactivity. The episode suggests that prioritizing sleep can help parents manage their own emotions and create a more peaceful and supportive environment for their children.

  • How does the concept of self-esteem relate to parenting and personal growth?

    True self-esteem is grounded in a realistic and compassionate view of oneself, acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses. It's important to cultivate self-esteem in both ourselves and our children, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and that growth comes from learning from those mistakes.

  • What is Gary Vaynerchuk's perspective on the importance of embracing mistakes and failures?

    Gary Vaynerchuk believes that embracing mistakes and failures is essential for personal growth and success. He encourages individuals to view setbacks as opportunities for learning and to celebrate their resilience in overcoming challenges.

  • What is the ultimate message of the episode in terms of parenting and personal growth?

    The episode emphasizes the importance of finding the middle ground in all aspects of life, particularly in parenting. It encourages parents to be self-aware, prioritize their children's well-being, embrace humility, and cultivate resilience in both themselves and their children. The message is that by striving for balance and authenticity, we can create a more fulfilling and meaningful life for ourselves and our families.

Show Notes

On today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I sit down with Dr. Aliza Pressman, we discuss the critical aspects of parenting and the importance of finding balance. We emphasize the concept of "meeting in the middle" in both parenting and business partnerships, advocating for avoiding extremes and finding a balanced approach.

Key themes include the role of empathy and the dangers of societal extremes, the necessity of setting boundaries for children, and the significance of parental intentions. We also explore the impact of social media on parenting and the need to redefine success as peace of mind rather than financial or social achievements. This engaging conversation offers valuable advice for parents and entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of balance, empathy, and long-term goals.

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We Need to Fix These Parenting Trends | Dr. Aliza Pressman

We Need to Fix These Parenting Trends | Dr. Aliza Pressman

Gary Vaynerchuk